How to Add & Check CME Hours to Mumaris Plus?

As a healthcare pro in Saudi Arabia, staying sharp in your job is super important.

One way to do that is by grabbing Continuing Medical Education (CME) hours.

CME in Saudi Arabia is a super important tool for healthcare professionals to keep getting better at their jobs.

It involves doing different learning activities, such as attending conferences, online courses, and workshops.

The goal is to stay updated on the latest information and become good at what you do.

Read on to learn why CME is important in Saudi Arabia, what it involves, and how you can easily add your CME hours to your Mumaris Plus account.

Key Components of CME in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) manages Continuing Medical Education (CME) and sets rules to make sure healthcare professionals stay competent.

Here are the key things to know:

  • Healthcare professionals must fulfil specific annual hour requirements based on their specialty and professional level.
  • Participation in activities provided by SCFHS-recognized accredited CME providers is mandatory.
  • Recognized activities encompass a wide range, ensuring professionals have diverse options for skill enhancement.
  • Professionals must undergo assessments post-CME activities to demonstrate understanding and application of acquired knowledge.
  • Annual reporting of completed hours to the SCFHS is mandatory for maintaining professional licenses and registrations.

Mumaris Plus and CME

For healthcare professionals in Saudi Arabia, managing and tracking CME hours is streamlined through the Mumaris Plus account. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Enter your credentials on the Mumaris Plus website.
  • On the dashboard, find and click on the “CME” section.
  • Click on the “CME Hours” tab to view a comprehensive list of completed activities and corresponding hours.
  • Detailed information about each activity can be accessed by clicking on the activity’s name.
  • Utilize the “Print Certificate” button for a tangible record of your completed CME hours.

Adding CME Hours to Mumaris Plus

Here’s a neat trick – you can add CME hours from outside Saudi Arabia to your Mumaris Plus account.

Follow these steps:

  • In your Mumaris Plus account, go to “My Services” and select “Recognition of CPD Hours.”
Mumaris plus CME hours
  • Input the details of the educational activity you want to include.
Mumaris plus CME hours
  • Submit the request for review and approval by paying the necessary fee.

Make sure the date of the educational activity matches your current professional registration period.

Closing Words

Continuous Medical Education (CME) is a vital part of growing as a healthcare professional in Saudi Arabia.

With Mumaris Plus, the process of tracking and adding CME hours becomes not only efficient but also boosts your ongoing growth as a healthcare professional.

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