What is Jawazat – General Directorate of Passports?

Navigating the complexities of immigration in Saudi Arabia can be daunting, especially for newcomers.

However, with a clear understanding of “Jawazat,” the official term for the Kingdom’s passport and immigration department, the process becomes significantly smoother.

Well, when I was a new-comer to Saudi Arabia, people used to talk about Jawazat a lot.

I used to think what Jawazat actually is.

So, I thought to prepare an easy to understand guide for better understanding jawazat which delves into everything you need to know about Jawazat, from its functions and services to the latest updates and frequently asked questions.

What is Jawazat?

What is Jawazat?

Jawazat, also known as the General Directorate of Passports, is a government agency under the Saudi Ministry of Interior responsible for:

  • Issuing and renewing passports for Saudi citizens
  • Overseeing the entry, exit, and residency of expatriates in Saudi Arabia
  • Implementing immigration laws and regulations
  • Maintaining border security

Jawazat Services

Jawazat provides a wide range of services to both citizens and foreign residents, including:

Services for Citizens

  • Issuing and renewing passports
  • Replacing lost or damaged passports
  • Adding or removing dependents from passports
  • Applying for travel documents
  • Obtaining visas for travel abroad
  • Checking visa status and validity

Services for Expatriates

  • Applying for visas and Iqamas
  • Renewing visas and residency permits (Iqama)
  • Obtaining exit visas
  • Registering births and deaths
  • Reporting changes in address or employment

Latest Updates and Developments

Jawazat regularly updates its policies and procedures to enhance efficiency and security.

Here are some of the latest developments:

Enhanced e-services

Jawazat has expanded its online services, enabling users to apply for visas, renew residency permits, and access various other services electronically through the Absher platform.

Visa fee changes

The government has implemented new visa fee structures for different visa types, with some fees decreasing and others increasing. 

It’s crucial to stay updated on the latest visa fees before applying.

Streamlined procedures

Jawazat has simplified various processes, such as visa application procedures and residency renewal requirements, to reduce processing times and improve user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Jawazat in English?

Jawazat, in English, translates to the General Directorate of Passports.
However, it’s widely recognized by its Arabic name.

How to take an Appointment in Jawazat?

You can book an appointment through Absher portal for nearest Jawazat office easily.

How can I contact Jawazat for inquiries?

You can contact Jawazat using MOI helpline number: 0114011111.

How to Print your Iqama through Jawazat?

For printing or getting an Iqama Card, your employer is responsible to provide this Iqama card by visiting the Jawazat office nearby.


Remember, staying informed and proactive will ensure a smooth and stress-free experience with Jawazat.

I’m sure you today whatever you explore in this article must’ve helped you to familiarize with the what Jawazat is actually and latest Jawazat regulations.

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