Iqama Expiry Check Online with or Without Absher 2024

Iqama Expiration date is an indication of renewing Iqama and checking Iqama expiry online is a need of every expatriate living in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Also, every expatriate in Saudi Arabia should renew Iqama before it gets expired.

Checking Iqama Expiration date keeps you updated and it can alert you if the day of expiry is nearby so without any delay you can tell your employer/sponsor/kafeel to renew it or it’s good for you to be updated regarding your Iqama Expiry.

There are 2 most easiest ways to check Iqama Expiration which are through Absher and one is without Absher using MOL website.

So, we are going to state every method available online to check your iqama expiration date.

Checking Iqama Expiry Date Through MOL Website without using Absher

Using Absher to check Iqama expiry can be frustrating as you have to login and all.

So, the better way is to check iqama expiry date through Ministry of Labour website without using Absher.

Follow the steps below to check your iqama expiry through MOL website.

  • Visit Ministry of Labour Website.
  • Agree to the terms and condition by ticking the box and clicking the Green button.
    • Note: This will appear if you’re visiting site for the first time.
  • Pick one of the following preferred language: English, Arabic, or Urdu. (In my case, I’m selecting English)
  • Enter your “Iqama Number” into the ID / Border Number / Iqama section.
  • Choose your birthdate in the calendar. (You can use the Gregorian or Hijri dates).
  • Finally, enter the verification code as shown in the image and press “Next” to send your request.
  • Enter the OTP Code, recieved on the mobile phone number which is registered in Absher as per the details you have entered and click “ارسال”, written in arabic.
  • As shown in the picture above, you can now see your Iqama expiration date in the Hijri and Georgian format.

Checking Iqama Expiration using Absher through Mobile App or Portal

Iqama Expiry Check through Absher Online Portal

  • Select “Individual” among the three options.
  • Select your preferred language. (In my case, I chose English).
  • Enter your “Username/Iqama ID” and “Password” and click “Log in button.”
  • Enter OTP” which you have recieved in your mobile phone number which is associated with your Absher account and Click “Log in.”
  • Now scroll down little bit and you can see “Digital Documents” under that you can see Iqama ID section and there your can see your Iqama ID Expiry (Shown in the image above.).

Iqama Expiry Check through Absher Mobile Application

There are 2 ways to check iqama expiry through Absher Mobile app which I’m going to state below.

Checking Iqama Expiry through Digital Cards in Absher
  • Install “Absher Mobile App” through Apple’s App Store or Google Play Store (Skip this step if it’s installed already) and click open once installed.
  • Login to your Absher mobile app by Face ID or Fingerprint or by entering your username/Iqama and password and then enter the OTP which you have recieved.
  • Once you have been logged in successfully you can see an option “Digital Cards“, click on it.
  • Once you’re in your Digital Cards section, you can see Residence ID with Iqama Expiry on it.

Checking Iqama Expiry through My Iqama in Absher

  • Install “Absher Mobile App” through Apple’s App Store or Google Play Store (Skip this step if it’s installed already) and click open once installed.
  • Login to your Absher mobile app by Face ID or Fingerprint or by entering your username/Iqama and password and then enter the OTP which you have recieved.
  • Once you have been logged in successfully, click on your “name” in the “My Profile“.
  • You’ll see a lot of option, find “My Iqama” and click on it. (Shown in the image above).
  • As shown in the image, you can now see your expiry date of Iqama.

Bottom Line

So, this was the guide to help you checking iqama expiry.

I hope this helped you.

Still, if you have any queries, you can always utilize our comment section below.

And don’t forget to share this and save this for another time.

Thank you, see you next time with another guide.

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