Bring Dead Body from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan – A Step-by-Step Process

Dealing with the loss of a loved one overseas is tough, especially when it comes to bringing their body back to Pakistan. 

If someone from Pakistan passes away in Saudi Arabia, it’s important to follow a clear process to bring them home. 

This guide breaks down the steps to make the repatriation process easier for grieving families.

1. Report to the Hospital

  • Dial 997 to call an ambulance in the event of a death.
  • The hospital will examine the body and issue a death report.
  • For accidents or murders, a relevant police report will also be required.

2. Inform the Kafeel

Communicate with the sponsor (Kafeel) of the deceased, who is legally responsible for administrative processes and repatriation costs.

3. NOC from the Deceased Family

Family members in the home country need to prepare one of two documents:

  • Permission for an Iqama holder to collect the body for burial in Saudi Arabia. The embassy issues a certificate for burial.
  • Permission for an Iqama holder to bring the body back home (e.g., India, Pakistan). Translate the certificate into Arabic, get both versions stamped by the embassy, and obtain a certificate to send the body from Saudi Arabia.

Required Documentation for Embassy Approval 

To get approval, submit the following to the Embassy or consulate:

  • A hospital report about the death and, if applicable, a police report.
  • Copies of the deceased person’s Iqama and passport.
  • The Iqama of the person authorized to collect the body.

4. Death Certificate from Saudi Arabia

The authorized person collects the death report and obtains an official death certificate from Ahwal al Madani.

5. Burial Procedure in Saudi Arabia

  • For burial in Saudi Arabia, submit the power of attorney and embassy NOC to the police.
  • The police issue a letter to the hospital for burial.
  • Contact the governorate to assign a graveyard for burial.
  • Based on the police report and governorate slip, the hospital prepares the body for burial.

7. Repatriating the Dead Body

In case to send the dead body back to the home country:

  • Obtain an NOC from the embassy for MOFA attestation.
  • Book the cargo flight for repatriation through an airline’s cargo office.
  • Seek approval from the governorate office with the embassy NOC and cargo office slip.
  • The Kafeel obtains the final exit visa from Jawazat.

8. Preparing the Body for Shipment

Inform the hospital 24 hours before the cargo flight for body preparation.

9. Collect the Body in Pakistan

  • The family needs the airway bill issued by the cargo company.
  • The person making arrangements can carry the airway bill or arrange for its delivery to a specific family member.


As you bring your loved one home, each step, though tough, is a way of honoring their memory.

Through paperwork and processes, hold onto the love that binds you.

In these moments, find solace and strength, knowing that each effort is a heartfelt tribute to the one you hold dear.

Wishing you comfort on this difficult path.

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